First, make sure you're pressing the right button. The TrueBike's ON button is located on the right side of the back of the bike. It looks like this:
Note: if you haven't used your bike in a while, please make sure the charger is plugged in. It might be worth checking if you're up-to-date as well.
If the TrueBike still won't turn on: follow these steps:
- Hold the button for at least 20 seconds, or until you hear a 'click'
- Make sure there is no blue light visible through the vent holes. (this might be tricky to see)
- Wait at least 30 seconds.
- Press the ON button shortly
- Your TrueBike should turn on
If your issues persist, try the following:
- Check if the blue light is visible through the vent holes, it might be hard to see!
- Check if the screen's light is on
If any of these two lights work, try pushing the screen's cables into the screen. The plugs behind the metal cover may have come loose.
If this still does not solve your issue, please contact our support team with a description of your issue and the results of your own attempts to solve the issue.