A god fit on the TrueBike is essential to translating your indoor fitness to outdoor riding. Find how to set up the TrueBike here.
4 Basic adjustments:
How does this compare to your race bike?
The numbers on the TrueBike correspond to the following measurements (in cm)
Rule of thumb: all measurements end in the centre of the bottom bracket.
Never use excessive force on any of the TrueBike bolts. Do not exceed 6 Nm.
How do I measure my outdoor bike?
Measuring bikes can be tricky. Some instructions
What you need: a tape measure, a plumb line and optionally a spirit level.
Bottom bracket height
Place the bicycle on an even surface.
Measure with a tape measure from the ground to the center of the bottom bracket. make sure the measurement is perpendicular to the ground and that the bicycle is standing straight.
Write the number down.
Saddle height
Measure the height of the saddle from the ground to the saddle rails (saddle fastener). It is best to use a plumb line for this.
Write down the number
Saddle height-Saddle height=Saddle (vertical)
Handlebar height
Measure the height of the handlebar from the center of the tube. It is best to use a plumb line for this.
Write down the number
Handlebar height-Tracks height=Handlebars (vertical)
Saddle (horizontal)
This measurement often requires 2 people
Hang the plumb line so it falls along the bottom bracket.
Measure the horizontal distance from the center of the saddle rails to the vertical.
This is the Saddle (Horizontal) measurement.
Handlebars (Horizontal)
This measurement often requires 2 people
Hang the plumb line so it falls along the bottom bracket
Measure the horizontal distance from the center of the handlebars.
This is the Handlebar (Horizontal) measurement.
Don't forget to make a note of your settings in the app or on athletes.truekinetix.com !
To finish the 'Outdoor Bike' you can add your own gearset. See here how that works:
Gearsets toevoegen aan je proefiel